Announcing the Macquarie Dictionary Committee’s Choice and People’s Choice Word of the Year 2023. You can review the final shortlist here (and for those interested, the longlist here). Thank you for helping us decide the defining new word for 2023!
Committee’s Choice Word of the Year 2023
“Although cozzie livs was coined in the UK, it has resonated soundly with Australians, with its -ie suffix and its clipped formation, reminiscent of menty b and locky d. And what could be a more Australian approach to a major social and economic problem than to treat it with a bit of humour and informality?” – COMMITTEEThis year, our Committee consisted of Macquarie Dictionary Editors, Alison Moore, Victoria Morgan and Jack Steyn. They were joined by crossword maker, radio host and writer, David Astle, and language research specialist at the ABC, Tiger Webb. After a robust discussion of the both the longlist and shortlist, the Word of the Year was settled – cozzie livs.

Committee’s Choice Honourable Mentions
With the winning Word of the Year decided, it was time to note the Honourable Mentions. Words that could easily have illustrated the year that was just as well. There are two this year, blue-sky flood and algospeak. On these words, the Committee had this to say:“The floods so many have endured in recent times make blue-sky flood a topical expression, and it resonates more broadly. The idea that there is a deluge coming, even though the sun is shining, is almost like the time bomb we’re all sitting on with climate change.” – COMMITTEE“AI is increasingly a major part of our lives. Making good use of the productive (and sometimes a bit sinister) word part -speak (think Orwell’s newspeak), algospeak describes an attempt to circumvent AI surveillance. But how long will it be before the moderating software learns the code words?” – COMMITTEE

People’s Choice Word of the Year 2023
And finally, after leading the voting throughout the entire voting period, the People’s Choice Word of the Year 2023 was decided by Australia as generative AI.“Unlike many other previous People’s Choice winners, generative AI isn’t a clever or humorous construction, but it has touched a nerve. A clear winner, it shows that AI is figuring prominently in our minds this year.” – COMMITTEE