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There are 1 results of your search for Windsor sausage.

Windsor sausage

noun a large, mild-flavoured, precooked sausage, usually sliced thinly and eaten cold. Compare beef Belgium, Belgium sausage, Byron sausage, devon, Empire sausage, fritz, German sausage, luncheon sausage, polony, pork German, wheel meat, Strasburg.

Contributor's comments: I grew up in Queensland and have lived in most other states. What we called 'Windsor' sausage as kids in Cairns I later discovered is called 'Devon' in NSW, 'Fritz' in SA and 'Polony' in WA. In Darwin, all four are found in shops depending on where it is manufactured. This is great for the people of Darwin, most of whom come form other states. However, they will all eventually come to realise, as I did, that all these sausages are exactly the same product!