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There are 1 results of your search for tilly.


utility or ute: let's load the tilly and get to work.

Contributor's comments: Having grown up in Qld I've never heard this used for a utility we called them "utes", tilly was a kerosene lantern.

Contributor's comments: I have only heard the word "tilly" , meaning ute or utility, used in the Central Burnett area of Queensland. I have lived in other areas and not heard the word used.

Contributor's comments: I have never heard of this term in Brisbane, must be used in the bush. Everyone calls it a "ute" here.

Contributor's comments: A ute is a "ute" in southeastern Queensland (Toowoomba, Stanthorpe, Warwick areas). Isn't "tilly" S.A.?

Contributor's comments: It was a ute in rural Qld, but a kero lantern in Vic.

Contributor's comments: My Grandmother, who was raised in Bathurst and was of "bog-trotter" descent (Irish peasantry) referred to a kerosene lantern as a "tilly", presumably a generic name derived from Tilley just as Hoover became generic for vacuum cleaner.

Contributor's comments: [Brisbane informant] Not known - always just a "ute"

Contributor's comments: I grew up in Mackay and Innisfail, and a utility was called a 'tilly', although the word seems to have almost died out these days, with most people now calling them 'utes'.

Contributor's comments: Like your Mackay/Innisfail correspondent, I have dim memories of 'tilly', meaning utility, from 1950s Rockhampton.

Contributor's comments: "Tilly" is an nickname members of the Defence Force (Army) use to describe the Tracked Load Carrier (TLC). It is a Utility type tracked vehicle from the M113 family of vehicles. It is used for carrying a wide variety of commodities ranging from fuel and water to rations, stores and ammunition. "Tilly" may have been extended from this use to include references to the common Utility.

Contributor's comments: In Proserpine in the late 1970's the older locals called a utility a 'Tilly'. I was told the term was also used in Mackay.

Contributor's comments: Lived in various parts of Qld since 1932, and there utilities were always called "Tillies" until recent times. The term "Ute" only came into common use in relatively recent times. Lately the unfortunate Americanism "Pickup" has become all too common among those too young to know better!

Contributor's comments: Only heard of this when I shiffted to m/kay from Vic, as we said ute.

Contributor's comments: I remember as a kid in Proserpine in the 80s my Dad would refer to the utility as a tilly, as did most of the other farmers.

Contributor's comments: I moved to the Mackay area in 1992 and heard Tilly for the first time here after living in Melbourne, the Gold Coast and Brisbane. I live in a small cane-farming town where everyone uses Tilly for ute. "I saw his tilly outside the pub".

Contributor's comments: 'Tilly' described a farm ute when I grew up around Warwick.

Contributor's comments: As a kid growing up in the Burdekin I remember using the term "Tilly" to denote a ute. I have not heard the word in recent years.

Contributor's comments: I had never heard the term 'tilly' until I moved from Townsville/Cairns to Mackay in the mid 80's. In the Mackay area it was used by some instead of ute.