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There are 1 results of your search for off-peak heater.

off-peak heater

type of electric heater containing cast-iron or terracotta 'bricks', left plugged in permanently; comes on at off-peak power usage times, heats up bricks, then switches off and the bricks remain hot until the next off-peak period. From outside it looks like an ugly filing cabinet: We need an off-peak heater.

Contributor's comments: [Tasmanian informant] A "Off Peak" hot water heater was on the market for years and consisted of a tank in the roof. The first house I built in 1958 had one. The term came from the fact that the power was turned on by an impluse on line by the Electricity Authority usually at night the low load or 'off peak' period. There was a superior model called a "falling level off peak heater" in which the cold water was only admitted when the power was on, therefore there was always hot water until the tank was empty, unlike the normal one in which the water got gradually cooler and cooler as the hot water was used. There were no bricks or other gismos just a heater. They were not mains pressure the head being given by the fact the tank was in the roof.

Contributor's comments: There are two different uses to which "off peak" electricity is put. 1. Space Heaters as described, with bricks, etc., to hold store & release heat. 2. Water Heaters ,which can be any type of electric hot water service.

Contributor's comments: Origin Energy uses "Off Peak Use" on its bills. Off peak space heating is also known as a Heat Bank. Both terms are used in the UK.