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There are 2 results of your search for nugget.


testicle: I got hit in the nugget(s) with a cricket ball.


1.  Shoe or boot polish regardless of brand (Nugget and Kiwi brands are both referred to as 'nugget').
2.  to apply nugget to shoes, boots, anything else (including genitals in a form of initiation referred to as 'nuggeting'): Please buy me a tin of black nugget when you go shopping. I plan to give these old shoes a good nuggeting.

Contributor's comments: A nugget was usually a person of mixed descent, usually caucasian and aboriginal, who excelled at some sport or occupation such as cattle drafting, horse riding, stock work or other rural pursuits, Invariably good cricketers, great footballers, (mainly rugby league) these "nuggets" were subject to much affection and trust. The shoe polish "Nugget" played a large part in the naming of these wonderful people without whom the central part of Australia would never have been developed. Whilst this may seem to be patronising I grew up with Aboriginals and "nuggets" and I thank what ever deity that is on duty that I did.