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There are 1 results of your search for munted.


broken but not quite destroyed: that is really munted now.
Editor's comments: Is this thought of as a particularly strong swearword? Is it taboo? Does anyone know its derivation?

Contributor's comments: means "messed up" or something that is really bad or annoying: "Argh no! I can't take my hat off - my hair is munted!"; "That's munted."

Contributor's comments: Beyond repair. Can also be a derogatory term: "This oven is munted."; "He's munted, mate!"

Contributor's comments: [Perth informant] Slightly to seriously damaged; or ruined: "I wouldn't use those scissors if I were you, they're munted."

Contributor's comments: [Tasmanian informant] Broken or stuffed: "I have a munted knee."

Contributor's comments: I have heard this used in England (by the way) to mean off your head in an antisocial way - a munter is someone who wrecks stuff or annoys everyone by being munted.

Contributor's comments: Primary school children in Hobart have been using munted for about 6 - 12 months to mean someone really stupid & uncool (he is SO munted). At the same time a 40-y-o friend of mine from surf culture maintains munted means very affected by drugs, mainly marijuana, to the point of scarcely being able to speak or move! Hope this adds to your appreciation of this particularly attractive & endearing colloquialism. Cheerio for now.

Contributor's comments: The feeling of emptyness and complete lack of clarity that comes after a big night on the good stuff: "I'm feeling munted... I haven't been this munted since that weekend in Coles Bay where we didnt sleep for 3 nights..."

Contributor's comments: drunk: "Mick got so munted last night he could hardly speak."

Contributor's comments: I have heard it being used for being affected by drugs. The main context I have heard it used in is when people are tired or out of energy. Instead of saying "I'm completely stuffed" they say "I'm so munted".

Contributor's comments: When I lived in Hobart it meant you were off ya gut on Pot. I was so munted last night cos I had 10 cones.

Contributor's comments: re: ed's Q - munted is not a "swear" word per se. From my experience it seems very similar to "wasted" in the drug taking sense.

Contributor's comments: Munted in Perth means 'srewed up' or 'broken' whereas when I've used that word in Melbourne I get funny looks cos here it means 'vomited' as in 'I munted last night'.