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There are 1 results of your search for district school.

district school

noun a state school in a rural area which provides both primary and secondary education. Compare area school, central school, consolidated school.

Contributor's comments: Until recently most district schools were called district high schools. The trend is now towards renaming such schools as 'district schools' as they cater for Kindergarten to VET (vocational education students) and so the 'high' descriptor is no longer accurate.

Contributor's comments: Until recently (late 80s) ‘District High Schools’ in Tasmania were known as ‘District Schools’. I went to KIDS (King Island District School) and much to my bemusement - as it is a K-10 school - it has been reclassified as a district high school: who can figure the workings of a bureaucrats mind.

Contributor's comments: Perversely the practice in Tasmania is to now rename ‘district schools’ as ‘district high schools’ even though they are in the main K-10 schools. Go figure bureaucrats: It’s ruined the symmetry of the acronym of the school I attended KIDS (King Island Dis).