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There are 1 results of your search for shotgun.


a word shouted out by passengers about to enter a car. The first person to shout 'shotgun' gets the front passenger's seat. NB: this is a Townsville expression. I've never heard it used in Melbourne: Shotgun!

Contributor's comments: I stand corrected. This expression is probably not an Australian regionalism, as I heard it on 'The Tonight Show With J. Leno' (USA). The expression might originate from 'ride shotgun', American slang for riding in the front passenger's seat in a car or truck. (source:

Contributor's comments: Having lived all over Qld I would say this is fairly widespread. I think it dates to back to Cobb and Co days where the passenger carried a shotgun.

Contributor's comments: Shot-gun is used in Sydney and South Coast region, whenever a group of 2 or more passangers are vying for the front passenger seat of a car. You can't 'call' shotgun until you can see the car in the carpark for example. If there is a fight over shotgun, the driver can call the 'bastard rule'. In this case those vying for the front seat must fight for the front seat. The winner is the one with their bum on the seat!