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There are 1 results of your search for poofteenth.


A very small amount: When trying to push or move something heavy, and describing your lack of success to someone - "it didn't move a poofteenth."

Contributor's comments: A poofteenth is a micro measure - usually half a bee's dick.

Contributor's comments: Well I've used and heard the term of a milli-poofteenth , and that's real SMALL.

Contributor's comments: a 'poofteenth' is also used in Sydney.

Contributor's comments: I went to school in Perth and this term was used both by my father on handy man projects, my woodwork and my metalwork teacher. Usage as "you will need to file a poofteenth off to get it to fit."

Contributor's comments: A very small measure. That's out by a poofteenth or just a poofteenth more. Used all over rural NSW.