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There are 1 results of your search for free dress day.

free dress day

The day, once in a semester at school, where we would wear our own clothes, but have to pay 50c to do so!: Dont forget, tomorrow's free dress (day)! Compare casual day, in uniform day, mufti day, out of uniform day.

Contributor's comments: We used free dress day in Mackay while I was at high school in the 80's and also at all schools I have worked at in these towns: Ayr, Bowen, Collinsville and Aratula/Boonah/Kalbar area.

Contributor's comments: Also called this in WA.

Contributor's comments: Common as muck in Brisbane schools. Often used as a fund-raiser for the school or other charity (e.g. $2 to attend in civvies).

Contributor's comments: Free Dress Day - used in Melbourne extensively also.