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There are 1 results of your search for fillum.


Film - this comes from somewhere in NSW, I believe: My dad was from Sydney and he knew it, but I think it was a little "coarse": Let's go to a fillum tonight.

Editor's comments: Is this pronunciation still used anywhere?

Contributor's comments: In Qld I notice 'film' becomes 'fillum' and 'pool' becomes 'peule'. In WA "beer" has an added syllable and is pronounced "bee-a".

Contributor's comments: [Brisbane informant] I know people who still use this pronunciation.

Contributor's comments: I've heard the word fillum used in Melbourne as well, as an alternate (albeit incorrect) pronounciation of the word film. The book "Journeyings" by Janet McCalman (Melbourne University Press) about the social history of a middle class generation in Melbourne, mentions that middle class kids were supposed to say "film" and not "fillum", because "fillum" was considered common or low class. This was in the 1930's.

Contributor's comments: As with other pronounciations such as "cockaroach", I think it's more defined by socio-economic areas, rather than strictly geographically - a Kath & Kim-ism.

Contributor's comments: My dad, when he is being silly, says "fillum". I'm not sure where it comes from.

Contributor's comments: This is not a regional pronunciation as such, but an indication of very poor education. The vast majority of Queenslanders and Victorians I know are repulsed by this pronunciation.

Contributor's comments: I can hardly agree that this pronunciation is the result of poor education. My grandfather, an exceedingly well-educated man, always said "fillum" for "film".

Contributor's comments: Can't say I've heard any people say fillum, but have encountered 'pacifically' for 'specifically', 'Settemba' for 'September', and 'appowl' for 'apple' (a dark L).

Contributor's comments: I think the first time I ever came across this was via Glenn Robbins' character, Uncle Arthur, on The Comedy Company in the late 80s.

Contributor's comments: I have a friend who says 'fillum' as opposed to 'film' -- is it any different to 'ask' and 'aks' or 'been' and 'bin'?

Contributor's comments: Was in wide use among older rural people in central QLD in the late 1970's.

Contributor's comments: My partner says fillum as does her mother. It does appear to be more common amongst lesser educated people.

Contributor's comments: I had never heard this particular usage until a friend directly from Ireland began using it. He still regards "film" as posh and affected, and sticks to his "fillum" pronunciation.

Contributor's comments: I've never heard anyone under 60 use this pronunciation. Those who do seem to also have a propensity for saying 'eye-talians'.

Contributor's comments: Interesting that this pronunciation should have been associated with the lower classes, because it is very common even today among the Irish.