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There are 1 results of your search for eh, but!.

eh, but!

No meaning, just used at the end of any phrase or sentence: Are you going to the mall, eh, but! Compare eh.

Contributor's comments: I have never heard "eh, but" used in Nth Qld and I have lived in several places in the North for over 60 years.

Contributor's comments: Sounds like a New Zealand speech form to me.

Contributor's comments: Definitely not of New Zealand origin. The Maoris end sentences with "eh" or "eh, boy" and often "eh, bro" but "eh, but" is distinctively Australian, and heard mostly in Queensland.

Contributor's comments: In Cairns "eh but" was used however "but eh" was far more common. "Pretty good but eh".

Contributor's comments: I have heard this used in SA, but not so much in the suburban areas. I can clearly remember it being used around the Whyalla area about 25 years ago.