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There are 1 results of your search for South.


noun (also lower case) the South
a.  the southern states of Australia, especially Victoria and New South Wales.
b.  southern Queensland.

Contributor's comments: To Townsville people "South" refers to Brisbane. The southern states don't enter into it, they are referred to explicitly.

Contributor's comments: I have also heard the expression 'down south' used in North Queensland in reference to Brisbane.

Contributor's comments: To a Queenslander, anywhere south of the Tweed (River). I have a nasty suspicion that people in north Queensland use it to refer to Brisbane.

Contributor's comments: Living in Brisbane's outer suburbs, the South is always NSW and VIC. It is rarely used for Tasmania or SA possibly because it is said with a sneer usually with reference to Southerners trying to tell QLDers what to do.