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There are 1 results of your search for kindie.


an abbreviation of kindergarten: The kids went to kindie. Compare kinder, kindergarten. Also, kindy.

Contributor's comments: In South Australia the word "kindy" is used instead of kinder.

Contributor's comments: Compare 'kindy', used in south-east Queensland (and elsewhere?)

Contributor's comments: [Melbourne informant] This is one of the things I hate most about Victorian regionalisms. Back in Qld, it is invariably called kindy. Kinder sounds clumsy and awkward.

Contributor's comments: [Sydney informant] [Kindergarten] generally seems to be shortened to 'kindie' in general usage. I just asked my friend to remind me how old her daughter was and she replied 'Just turning four but she'll be starting kindie next year.' Also my eleven year old daughter talks about being asked to help the 'kindie' kids at school.

Contributor's comments: [Perth informant] [Kindergarten is] often abbreviated to Kindy, or Kinder.

Contributor's comments: Always said kindergarden here in WA until it became Pre-School in the early 80's. 'Kindy' was what I used to call it.

Contributor's comments: In the NT, SA and Vic 'kindy' or 'kindergarten' is a few years before school starts. It may be "3 year old kindy" or for 4 year olds, depending on how the system works - it's different in the different states.

Contributor's comments: I grew up in Adelaide and went to kindergarten, although we abbreviated it to "kindy".

Contributor's comments: As a child in Canberra, Pre school was the first year of schooling, followed by Kindy, (pre school age 4 kindy age 5) Now I live in WA and the terms are reversed. A child goes into Kindy the year they turn 4 (well 4 by June cutoff date) and then Pre Primary the year they turn 5.

Contributor's comments: "Kindy" is used throughout Queensland, so far as I know.

Contributor's comments: As an abbreviation, the word is more often spoken than written, but I'm sure the SA spelling would be Kindy, not Kindie.

Contributor's comments: kindergarten: "Young Peter starts kindy next week."

Contributor's comments: "Kindy" is the standard abbreviation for kindergarten (3 to 4 year olds) here. I have never seen it spelt "kindie".

Contributor's comments: I grew up with the term nursery. Eventually I realised that people thought I was looked after with a bunch of plants!